November 12 Pupil Services Committee Meeting
Committee members in attendance: Committee Chair Dr. Maria Pimley, Susan Tiernan
members not in attendance: Heidi Adsett, Maureen SnookCommittee members in attendance: Committee Chair Dr. Maria Pimley, Susan Tiernan
Non-committee members in attendance: Vince Murphy, Ed Coyle, Linda Raileanu
Gifted Update:
Pupil Services
Director Dr. Ranieri provided an update on District Gifted program,
specifically the impact of changes made to Gifted Resource teacher
schedules. One will remember the Gifted Program was analyzed during
Budget Task Force II and changes were made to the allocation of Gifted Resource
Teachers (GRTs) at the elementary level. While the meeting agenda
specified this month’s presentation was intended as an update only,
many in attendance had questions pertaining to the origin of the current system
and conveyed they were never informed of changes. Pupil Services Director Dr. Ranieri and Pupil Services Committee Chair Dr. Pimley reminded all in attendance that lengthy discussions were held in the spring before any of these changes were made. Dr. Pimley directed all to reference committee meeting notes on website from spring 2012 for history of changes. ( April 2012 Board Packet contains pertinent minutes) Dr. Ranieri admitted she expected many questions and assured Gifted parents in attendance their questions would be addressed and information posted to the website. She also encouraged parents with concerns pertaining to their individual child to contact their school’s GRT directly.
Returning to the update on the impact of Gifted program revisions, Mrs. Tiernan asks Dr. Ranieri what a typical day looks like for the “shared” Elementary GRTs. Elementary GRT Deb Smith was in attendance and provided an enthusiastic report, explaining in detail her rotation schedule for schools and reporting the current system is a great way to see all kids and work closely with teachers. Dr. Pimley questions if building Instructional Coaches ever supplement the work of GRTs. Ms. Smith explains that when instructional coaches and teachers contact her with specific student needs, she sends targeted work via PDF file to teacher/coach, who can then set up student learning centers in classrooms. Thus, student learning is not interrupted during the GRT’s rotating absence and GRT, classroom teacher and instructional coach enhance their collaborative relationship in support of student learning.
Reports that things are going well at middle and high school levels also: On the high school level, note is made of the positive addition of Deb Tobin as GRT. Ms. Tobin, who has a background in business, has a caseload of 45 and offers students many opportunities for job-shadowing. Of note, Ms. Tobin will attend a conference at the University of PA, the focus of which is to encourage more women to pursue careers in computer science.
Universities summary of process :
assumes summary is based on the following Board goal/assessment:Board goal-The District will establish a relationship with the nation’s top universities.
Assessment - A baseline data report will be made tracking what colleges students are applying and where they are being accepted. Develop a survey for recent graduates.
Dr. Scanlon
notes Princeton Review college rankings, stressing the importance of
making sure WCASD students are being matched not only with top
universities, but with the right programs. He also emphasizes the need
to continue to monitor, through surveys, student performance while in
college programs.
Act 120
Concussion Policy and District protocol:
First Reading of Policy JGFH:
Concussion Management - The policy covers athletic activities outside of school
day and is based on PA Safety in Sports Act of 2011, introduced by
Representative Tom Briggs from Montgomery County.
Mr. Coyle
questions if this policy should cover all athletics, not just those “outside”
school day: for example, what about gym? Dr. Ranieri states we
would then have to get baseline concussion tests for all students, adding that
the policy is intended to address/implement the Safety in Sports Act, so to
include all students and/or change the language may “muddy the waters” of the
intent of the law.
Linda Raileanu,
speaking as a neuro-nurse and specialist in this area, relates the story of her
daughter who had a non-sports related concussion. In light of that
possibility, she questions whether teachers might also be trained to at least
recognize head trauma/neurological symptoms. Dr. Scanlon is confident
in the fact that WCASD teachers are able to recognize when their students,
after experiencing head trauma, are behaving out of the ordinary and would not
hesitate in sending student to nurse.
Dr. Pimley suggests that all schools be required to hold informational meetings for parents prior to athletic season: the current wording notes that schools “may” hold meeting. She also suggested that parents be required to attend such a meeting and sign off if they choose not to attend.
Committee Members in attendance: Dr. Maria Pimley (chairing in the absence of Mrs. Adsett), Sue Tiernan
Committee Members not in attendance: Committee Chair Heidi Adsett, Maureen Snook
Non-committee members in attendance: Vince Murphy, Ed Coyle, Linda Raileanu
Field Trip
At the August Education Committee meeting, Mrs. Snook requested a study of District field
trip costs and it was unfortunate that Mrs. Snook was not in attendance to hear analysis provided by Dr. Missett. In 2011-12, educational
excursions cost the district $73,614.49 and educational competitions cost the
district $75,805.69, with funds covering mostly substitutes and
transportation. As of November, 2012-13 expenses are $36,579.28.
Dr. Missett was asked one question: Does each building have its own field
trip budget? Yes, and if there is excess, it is up to the principal of
the building to decide how to spend.
Common Core
assessment update:
Director Dr. Fraser provided 11/2/12 article from Education Week, entitled “Scores Drop on Kentucky’s Common
Core Aligned Tests”
From the
“Results from
new state tests in Kentucky - the first in the nation explicitly tied to the
Common Core State Standards - show that the share of students scoring
“proficient” or better in reading and math dropped by roughly a third or more
in elementary and middle school the first year the tests were given.”
In 2010,
Kentucky was the first state to adopt the common core in English Language Arts
and Mathematics, so the state’s performance is viewed as a “predictor”
for other states. Dr. Fraser explains the significance of this article
for WCASD, stressing the rigor our students and staff will need to adhere to in
order to prepare for common core aligned assessments. He is confident we
are on track and reminds us all that the District’s Professional Learning
Communities (see September blog for PLC discussion) will play a key role in helping staff
prepare WCASD students for the upcoming assessments .
The article
also states that Kentucky expects backlash from parents and other
stakeholders over the drop in scores, and has not only enlisted its Chamber of
Commerce but has also received some help, via grants, from National PTA,
to counter expected negative publicity. Mr. Coyle questions if
WCASD might find grant money or enlist the local Chamber’s help should news of
our scores be less than positive.
Language Arts Update:
Language Arts Director Dr. Susan Elliott provides comparative examples of
questions from PSSA and Keystone exams. Dr. Elliot points out that the new
assessments place greater emphasis on critical thinking skills, grammar and the
ability to construct and comprehend written arguments. For example,
the “old” test sample question asked us to find the definition of
“linger” in a text excerpt, supplying four one-word answer choices.
The “new” sample test question compels us to infer the meaning of “linger”,
forcing us to identify the text fragment that best conveys the
The article
quotes David Pearson, professor of language and literacy at the
University of California, Berkeley, who states the literacy
standards " have the potential to lead the parade in a
different direction: toward taking as evidence of your reading ability not
your score on a specific skill test—or how many letter sounds you can
identify or ideas you can recall from a passage—but the ability to use the
information you gain from reading, the fruits of your labor, to apply to
some new situation or problem or project."
Not your score
in identifying or recalling, but your ability to use information? This
is great stuff and few of us would choose not to follow that education
reform “parade”, but realistically how easy is it for us to
join? The article points out some obstacles: class time needed to enhance
all student reading, appropriate professional development for teachers to
support all students, and funding needed to ensure classrooms have a variety of
text types to promote learning.
A teacher in
attendance at Monday’s meeting echoes some of the concerns mentioned in the
Gewertz article. She comments on the need for the Board and
administration to continue to provide funding support for diverse texts,
updated technology, new programs, etc. that may be needed to assist with implementing
common core changes in the classroom.
In sum, Common
Core standards could enhance critical thinking skills, better prepare students
for college and career, and ultimately produce a better educated citizenry.
Additionally, the focus on literacy spans all subjects, affording
educators more opportunity to collaborate across their fields. Beautiful
stuff, but one must question how we can possibly sustain such positive
impacts within the confines of an accountability based assessment system: we
may be raising the bar, but we are still teaching to the test.
In the article, “Time on Testing: 738 minutes in 3 weeks”, Chicago teacher Adam Heenan tells of a student who had turned an assessment answer sheet on its side and bubbled in the colloquial acronym “YOLO” — You Only Live Once — on the exam. Heenan and others are pushing for an audit of time and money spent, not only on testing, but on test-prep: “We need to know how much time and money test-driven policymakers have diverted from teaching and learning into testing, and to show what we could be doing with those resources instead.”
Speaking of test-driven policymakers, in 2009, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan - assumed to be keeping his throne four more years – told us that education was the “civil rights issue of our generation”. In that speech, Duncan acknowledged the limitations of NCLB and admitted the need for states to “develop better assessments”. He also conveyed his impatience with decades of promises to reform the US education system:
“And yet we are still waiting for the day when every child in America has a high quality education that prepares him or her for the future. We're still waiting for a testing and accountability system that accurately and fairly measures student growth and uses data to drive instruction and teacher evaluation. We're still waiting for America to replace an agrarian 19th century school calendar with an information age calendar that increases learning time on a par with other countries. We're still waiting and we cannot wait any longer.”
No, Secretary Duncan, we cannot. And as we near 2013, we are beyond waiting – we are lingering.
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