Lots of informative presentations at this month’s combined
Pupil Services and Education Committee meetings:
The benefits of the District’s Instructional
Coach model was supplemented by testimony of 2 Hillsdale IC’s, who told us
that IC’s work well within the
District’s “Professional Learning Communities”, citing the complementary roles of librarian,
gifted resource teacher, and ELL teacher at their school. In addition, the District noted that IC’s will be needed to help all elementary teachers “learn” a new set of
standards for revised PSSA in 13/14 school year and middle school teachers for
14/15 school year. Question from the Board: How is the effectiveness of IC’s
measured? District admitted that “instructional effectiveness”
is indeed difficult to measure, but noted that student achievement would be the
ultimate measure of effectiveness of the
IC model. Board follow-up: How can achievement be attributed to IC model
alone? Fair question and teacher/staff
feedback will help pinpoint the variables in achievement measures.
An enthusiastic and informative presentation was given by Pediatric Therapeutic Services, the agency that provides various therapies to District students.
Gifted presentation concerning caseloads and
budget for gifted teachers. Much appreciation was given to all District Gifted
Resource Teachers for supplying current information on children in their
programs. The current budget includes 14.3 GRTs and the District is asking for
additional 1.7 GRTs (total of 16) to be in compliance with state ratios. More talk about the benefit of differentiated learning to all students. A brave and
wise comment/observation by a Board
member on the differentiated learning
model and the use of GRTs in all classrooms:
it is not so much about the LABEL of “gifted”, but about ALL students
benefiting from the talents/expertise of building GRTs.
Dr. Bertrando dutifully reported on the recurring nightmare of the Keystone exams. On
March 14, the State Board of Education's Committee on Academic Standards/ Chapter 4 conducted a public hearing to receive input on proposed revisions to Chapter 4 pertaining to Keystone Exams. The most significant change being proposed to the regulations is the reduction in number of Keystone Exams. Under the current regulations, PDE is charged with developing ten Keystone Exams. Students have to score proficient or above in six of the exams in order to graduate. Under the proposed changes, PDE will develop only three exams (Algebra I, English language arts and biology) and students must score proficient or above in all three in order to graduate. Also, as part of the new proposal, the requirement for the Keystone Exam score to count as one-third of the student's grade is removed. In addition, the draft revisions to Chapter 4 also eliminate the requirement for students to complete a culminating project in order to graduate. These new graduation requirements would begin with the Class of 2017. Most of those who testified at the hearing raised concerns with making the Keystone Exams a high stakes test. Others pointed to the proposed elimination of certain exams, specifically English composition and literature, and the elimination of the culminating project requirement for graduation as troublesome. They felt that the State Board's proposal could lead to a narrowing of curricula and substantially diminish the quality of education offered to students. The next meeting of the State Board of Education is May 9-10 in Harrisburg and the administration will provide updates as they are received.
The last item on the agenda was a
first reading of Policy LEB: Relations with Parent Organizations. This time,
everyone was furnished a copy along with the assurance that “parents from PTOC” had
input into the revision. It is true that
the policy was brought to March PTOC meeting and much input was received from
representatives. In the end, however,
the first reading of this policy is not significantly different than the one brought to PTOC in
March (a couple of sentences moved from “Authority” to “Purpose” section and
some rewording).
Emphasis was put on the fact that
by-laws would be kept on file with building principals and the Superintendent’s
office to be “reviewed periodically”. In addition, it was noted that not all PTO/HSA have bylaws, certainly a
valid concern that passage of LEB will address.
Not surprising, most public
comments received pertained to the following statement: “PTO/HSA is to remain non-partisan. School district property and
facilities shall not be used for political campaigns.” Questions from public: When did such partisan campaigning ever take
place? Did something spark the need to
revise this 1974 policy at this particular point in time? The car-flyering scandal of the 2011 School
Board Election was referenced and it was concluded that had it occurred under
revised Policy LEB, it would indeed be
in violation since cars were on school property. Our Outreach Liaison provided all in
attendance with a example to clarify: if flyers were posted on Pennsylvania Avenue, they would most definitely be removed because the White
House is public taxpayer-funded property, similar to our school buildings and
parking lots. Dr. Scanlon mentioned the District's separate "flyer policy” but no one seemed to notice or pursue over the heated volley of
questions and answers. One school rep
conveyed that her principal told her that a parent expressed dissatisfaction
over the fact that she advertised the February Coalition for Public Education
Event *(see below) in her school PTO news.
Our Outreach Liaison cited this as a fitting example for the need for
LEB: some parents take offense at partisan events. “But…” , the "offending” parent rep continued,
“…is advocating for public education partisan?” “Yes…..well, sometimes” was the answer from
the board, depending on variables such as “if it is an election year” and if
people are flaunting “ideologies” at such events.
In the end, one questions whether
“Policy” LEB is even a policy. True, it
was listed as a policy on the agenda for the evening, but reads “LEB-PTO/HSA
Guidelines”, with language that strongly “encourages” compliance. With no consequences of note, how is this
policy enforced? When questioned, the
administration admitted that the only recourse for breaching the policy would
be an attempt by the District to get the offending PTO/HSA back “in
compliance”. Ah, the beauty of
volunteerism - we cannot be policed, just “encouraged”. And as they have most
likely done since the creation of this policy in 1974, we remain confident that
all District PTO/HSA representatives will continue to follow the guidelines set
forth in LEB, not because the District and the Board decree it, but because it
is natural for us, as responsible caring adults, to advocate for what is best
for all children in our district.
*The Coalition for Public
Education event was held at Downingtown East HS and graciously hosted by the
school principal (wonder if they have a Policy LEB). Board members and superintendents from
surrounding districts, PSBA representatives, teachers, parents, CCIU employees
– all were in attendance to support public education. Like myself, most in
attendance were not even constituents of the Senate office that helped convene
the event. With the exception of Mrs.
Tiernan and a few parents, WCASD was sadly and noticeably absent. To date, the dangerous ideology expounded at
that Coalition event has produced the following societal evils:
1) a free
interactive workshop for parents, educators and community leaders, entitled
“Trauma Impact on Education”, organized by Dr. Joan Duval-Flynn of the NAACP
2) a summer
literacy program for adults and children in Coatesville , organized by Reverend
Dr. Williams, Pastor of New Life in Christ Fellowship
3) an information-gathering Education Funding
Committee, headed by non-partisan LWV members
4) a Senate
Education Committee hearing at the Downingtown STEM Academy in May concerning
SB 327, a non-partisan school board bill that currently has bi-partisan support.
Truth be told, could any of these
positive community collaborations have occurred without the assistance of an
influential politician friendly to public education? No. Is it an election year? Well of course it
is and I think I can speak for all Coalition “conveners” that we were privileged and proud to
have taken full advantage of any
opportunity to advocate for the cause of equitable and quality public education
for all.
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