The mission of West Chester Vote is to preserve excellence in education for West Chester Schools by supporting candidates who will protect our educational and enrichment programs. West Chester Vote is endorsing Joyce Chester, Robin Kaliner, Chris McCune and Dr. Ricky Swalm as Directors for West Chester Area School District. Two years ago, this community voted to change the direction of the school board to one that serves all taxpayers by electing one write-in candidate! One board director alone cannot adequately represent us. We must be successful in electing 4 more board directors. We stand no chance of preserving excellence when the current majority of the 9 school board members share the same philosophy. The strength of the educational integrity of our school district prepares our children for high performance and success and is paramount to improving and protecting our property values. The current school board majority has demonstrated a lack of leadership through the following actions:
- Not Fiscally Responsible: Inability to balance student needs, taxpayer resources, and long term goals limits our ability to maintain high scores and high property values.
- Focus: Dedicating time and efforts towards single issues and ideology prevents us from addressing those matters that pertain to excellence in public education and the best interests of our community.
- Transparency: Voting in “lock step” and without public discussion is, not only divisive to the process but also shows a blatant disregard for the rights of the community to receive representation representative of all residents in the community.
The primary election on Tuesday, May 21 will not only decide who wins the 4 director seats but also the direction this school district will take for the next 4 years. As a citizens group committed to educational excellence, we ask you to help us by voting for our 4 endorsed candidates - Chester, Kaliner, McCune and Swalm, who, if elected, will help to change the direction of the WCASD board.
Please visit the candidates’ website at Please show your support in this effort by committing to vote on Tuesday, 5/21.
Need an absentee ballot: Last date to file is 5/14.